Thursday, July 30, 2009

Orange Hawkweed

This flower is one my favorites. The leafless stem topped by clusters of buds produces an interesting look. Since it was seen as an annoying weed, farmers called this the Devil’s Paintbrush.  DSCF1204 DSCF1206



also known as an India Turnip (parts of the plant were used for food).


This one had particularly huge leaves. DSCF1173


after the bloom has fallen off

Carpenter Ants

Early in the season I laid out some recycled old fence boards along a path where I intended to install a simple, decorative type fence. By the time I got to putting up the fence, I found others were already using my boards.DSCF1367

Gypsy Moth caterpillar

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this poor dude was not looking well, out in the open, atop a stone wall in direct summer afternoon sunlight. After water was dribbled over him, and pictures taken, I set the little guy in some shaded, tall grass/weeds behind the wall.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swamp Milkweed

This is the third different title I've given this post. I think I have the plant correctly identified this time (thanks to help from my youngest sis).



Monday, July 27, 2009

Drone Fly

prior to looking up this insect, I was completely unaware that there are different types of flies that mimic the appearance and flight patterns of bees, such as this guy. Interesting.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Nursery-web spider

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This spider only makes a web to serve as a home for the baby spiders from birth until they wander off on their own.

Sunday, July 19, 2009



I forgot how long it takes me to try to figure out exactly what kind of bud, bug, bee or tree I have photographed. So while I am spending time consulting various field guides, I can at least upload some recent scenery shots. It’s not hard to identify nice views.  

Sunday, July 12, 2009

meeting up with Summer

Winter was supposed to be a time to catch up on indoor projects like identifying and posting pictures of lake inhabitants; however, winter dissappeared right along with spring and here I am a couple weeks into summer with dozens of new pictures waiting for their chance to be posted.

In this picture, I was trying to get a shot of the dragonfly that had landed on my oar. Not until I looked at the picture after it was taken did I notice a damselfy had flown into the picture as well.