Saturday, August 8, 2009


DSCF1290DSCF1291 Prior to taking these pictures I did not know that this animal resided at the lake. Originally, I thought I was seeing young beaver (they were within a couple feet of an actively used beaver house). However, the absence of the obvious beaver tail led me to discovering their actual identity. DSCF1286

Little Black Ant

No, I did not make up that name. Not too often is an animal’s given name so simple. I think I will be able to remember this one. DSCF1330b

Toxomerus Hover Fly

or “Flower Fly”


Hop Clover

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The family cat, Alabastar (Alby for short), is just over a year old and I do believe he considers the lake his home. DSCF1436



Sunday, August 2, 2009


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Spotted Joe-Pye Weed

named after a Native American DSCF1629

who reportedly used the plant to cure fevers



Monarch caterpillar

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Pennsylvania Leather-wing beetle

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Widow dragonfly

I thought this guy looked like the Widow pictured in my field guide, except the one in the book did not have the white areas on the wing. Thanks to Valerie’s Austin Blog Collection I figured out that what I had pictured was in fact a young, male Widow dragonfly and that, except for the white on the wings, young males are colored identical to female Widows.
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