Friday, July 9, 2010

Eastern gartersnake (take two)

some more pics of an Eastern gartersnake this time near the entrance to its home in an abandoned beaver house.

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taken 30 May 2009

Red-osier Dogwood

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taken 21 September 2008

weekend ritual

if I am to be found on a Sunday afternoon,

this is a good place to look…..

100_1065 taken 3 July 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

we didn’t do any fireworks this year, but we did have fire

(and roasted marshmallows too).

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taken 4 July 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Gray Catbird

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taken 13 June 2010


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taken 22 May 2009

Black Bear

Someone came to inspect our garbage receptacles. I was not present, but my sister was able to get to her camera (after the bear walked within 30 feet of her, looked at her and my mom, then continued on to where the trash cans are located), but the bear was not interested in photo-ops.
The best visual proof we have of our visitor.
taken 25 June 2010

Rough Green Snake

First time I’ve seen this type of snake.


taken 30 June 2010

Great Blue Heron

The first time I got a picture of this bird, I was not real certain regarding its identity. But one or more of its kind makes a visit to the lake each year and I look forward to sighting them. Today I happened to get lucky to see three of them at once, though they weren’t close enough together for me to get a picture of all of them at the same time.
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 it was cool to see them land atop the trees and just sit there seemingly out of place

Yellow Warbler


taken 19 June 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

White Admiral butterfly

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taken 19 June 2010

Cabbage White butterfly

or Small White. This one is a female. The two dots on each fore wing make the distinction. Males only have one.


taken 19 June 2010

Closed Gentian

DSCF2472 taken 30 August 2009

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Birdsfoot Trefoil

I wondered about this plant’s name until I discovered it’s based on the appearance of the seed pods, not the flower.

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taken 4 August 2009

Bittersweet Nightshade

Also known as Climbing Nightshade or Deadly Nightshade

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taken 19 June 2010




taken 19 June 2010

American Robin

There is no shortage of this bird around the lake, but they don’t stay in one place long at all and rarely do I get a chance to get close enough to get a decent picture. Today, though, after I had just mowed some lawn and was sitting at a nearby picnic table one came by looking for some freshly stirred up bugs. I don’t think he realized I was there.


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taken 19 June 2010