Monday, June 13, 2011

Black-winged Damselfly

While wandering through the woods, I came to this shallow-stream area in which these damselflies were numerous. I don’t believe I had previously seen this variety, at least not at the lake.

  The field guide indicates their bodies as being metallic green, but depending on how the light hits them, they can appear to be metallic blue.

I was lucky enough to see a couple females as well. The female Black-winged Damselfly does not have a metallic color body and has a white dot on her wings.
female Black-winged damselfly

Sunday, June 5, 2011


A friend of mine is moving out of state and was sure a Japanese Maple planted a couple years ago by her husband would be cut down by the new homeowners because of its inconvenient location. I expressed an interest in some of the seedlings that sprouted up around a more mature Japanese Maple elsewhere in their yard and she suggested I give the couple year old one a new home. I was happy to do so and had a perfect spot of land in mind where there is a seriously lack of arbor adornment.
ready to move
loaded up

new home

lake view

I imagine there are only so many ways to look at the same, relatively small, body of water. However, I do not seem to tire of the view and nature has an infinite combination of variables to give each look a new appearance.

hammock time

I had a productive Memorial Day - 
my hammock is up and ready for use.

My view from the hammock.