Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great Blue Heron

according to family, it's not uncommon for a great blue heron or two to make a visit to our little lake. today I got a good look at one for the first time this year (I may have seen one in previous years, but am not sure). The bird flew just above the water near the shore where it caught my attention and then flew to a large piece of drift wood more towards the center of the water. Mr./Ms. Heron stood there quite statue still for a number of minutes as I attempted to row close enough to take a picture. I got sufficiently close to get a good look at the fowl with my eyes, but the bird took to flight before I could get a fix with the limited camera I had with me. I need to get a zoom lens!

1 comment:

  1. I can recommend a nice camera, if you are in the market. :)
