Monday, August 25, 2008

not the blue heron or maybe...

got in my boat yesterday, rowed to a "corner" of the lake a couple hundred feet from shore, anchored down, and began to relax, eating popcorn and drinking lemonade. While glancing at the shoreline, I noticed the bobbing head of what I thought was one of our Great Blue Herons. It was walking, stealth like, on the shoreline. It came out and stood on a large rock (the one on the right pictured below) and I couldn't get my camera out fast enough before it had moved back into the wooded area of shore and continued on. Dang it! That would have been a cool shot.

Periodically I would see the dude a little farther and farther up the shoreline. When I was done relaxing and was ready to head back in, I decided to row up the shoreline some and see if I could drift along quietly and perhaps get another chance at taking a picture. I did find the bird again, but he/she did not make getting a picture easy. When I was near, it partially hid behind a pine tree (with its rump sticking out), was close enough I could practically sneeze on the bird, but was hidden behind dead tree limbs, and did come into a clearing occasionally, but only when I was farther away and unable to get a good picture.

This pursuit continued for a half hour or so and then I got an incredibly, lucky break. While going after stuff to eat (I presume), something spooked the big bird (perhaps one of our water snakes?), it let out a squawk, jumped back, and flew out into the lake straight at me (now that would have been a cool picture). When the bird saw me, he made a hard right and landed on the nearest driftwood. Apparently my presence at that point wasn't nearly as spooky as the bird's most recent encounter and I was able to get the following pictures:

And my favorite:

I still haven't figured out which bird exactly this is other than to be fairly certain it is a heron. Blue Heron's are suppose to have dark legs. But whatever the dude is, he/she sure was fun to watch.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

pond scum

no this is not some impressionistic painting and no color editing has been done. This is exactly what was on top of the water around the edges of the lake about a week ago. Apparently the lake is "working". A day or two later after some wind and a bit of run-off there was no longer any sign of this icky looking film over the water. Thank goodness.
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

weekend getaway

Went to the lake friday evening and didn't leave for the next 48 hours. Lots of critters and plant life seen and I'm thinking it will take me all winter to catch up with posting pics from here. A pair of Great Blue Herons were very active today. Someday I'll get a good shot of one. Someone had caught a 19" Pickerel and left it along the shore. While taking pictures an unidentified frog showed up on the scene.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday flowers

The weather was a bit windy and actually a bit chilly today so I didn't spend any time in a row boat. I decided to take a second look at a flower I saw last week, but was having trouble identifying. Of course, that particular flower was nowhere to be found today. But I then proceeded to take pictures of a number of other flowers for the next 30-45 minutes which resulted in at least another 3 hours of picture editing and flower identifying (much thanks to my sister who did a lot of the field guide searching). In the end, I had pics of Speedwell, Primrose, Touch-me-not, Heal-all, Black-eyed Susan, Wild Basil, Sorrel, Buttercup, Indian Tobacco, Chickweed, and the flower below that maybe is a Speedwell variety, but I can't find any similar pictures that have me convinced. Of the flowers of which I took pictures today, all were growing wild, within a 60 second walk of my sister's home, and all but the Touch-me-nots and the Black-eyed Susans have blossoms smaller than my pinky finger nail. Amazing what you miss, when you're not looking. In the future, however, I am only taking pictures of three to four different unknown flowers (or any other kind of life) at a time. This is suppose to be a hobby, not full-time work! Sheesh ;)

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Perhaps a (dysfunctional) Showy Evening Primrose. Evening Primroses are suppose to open in the evening and close by noon. The ones growing on their own in my sister's backyard are open all day and close after sunset.

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Common Buttercup

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Mouse-ear Chickweed

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Spotted Blue-eyed Grass

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took this photo over a week ago, before acquiring my field guides. Once I had a guide to consult, the only thing I could find with the requisite petals and the pointed tips was Blue-eyed Grass. However, the flower pictured didn't look terribly like this one. Quite by chance I came across a picture on the internet that is dead on with my pic and that picture was labeled Spotted Blue-eyed Grass. My field guide makes no mention of such a variety. ::shrug shoulders:: The flower does not grow out of the clover-like leaves as it appears to do so here.

Indian Tobacco

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Common Speedwell

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Wild Basil


Spotted Touch-me-not

these seem to pop up all over the place,
especially in shaded areas

Yellow Wood Sorrel

also known as Sour Grass. I tasted the leaves.
The name is appropriate. :)
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Black-eyed Susans

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