Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday flowers

The weather was a bit windy and actually a bit chilly today so I didn't spend any time in a row boat. I decided to take a second look at a flower I saw last week, but was having trouble identifying. Of course, that particular flower was nowhere to be found today. But I then proceeded to take pictures of a number of other flowers for the next 30-45 minutes which resulted in at least another 3 hours of picture editing and flower identifying (much thanks to my sister who did a lot of the field guide searching). In the end, I had pics of Speedwell, Primrose, Touch-me-not, Heal-all, Black-eyed Susan, Wild Basil, Sorrel, Buttercup, Indian Tobacco, Chickweed, and the flower below that maybe is a Speedwell variety, but I can't find any similar pictures that have me convinced. Of the flowers of which I took pictures today, all were growing wild, within a 60 second walk of my sister's home, and all but the Touch-me-nots and the Black-eyed Susans have blossoms smaller than my pinky finger nail. Amazing what you miss, when you're not looking. In the future, however, I am only taking pictures of three to four different unknown flowers (or any other kind of life) at a time. This is suppose to be a hobby, not full-time work! Sheesh ;)

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1 comment:

  1. It is totally amazing what you see when you start looking, isn't it? I often get carried away too, and end up spending hours in editing mode.
