Monday, June 7, 2010

Northern Water Snake

Ok, I am not a fan of snakes. They kind of creep me out and when I come across them unexpectedly (which is pretty much the only way I find them), they startle me greatly. However, I am also fascinated by nearly all living creatures so if I have my camera handy and once my adrenaline has settled from the initial scare, I will do what I can to document my find. Thank heavens for digital zoom ;)

Discovery of the dude below resulted in an expletive being vocalized while I jumped back. I had just pushed my boat into the water, was still bent over with my hand on the boat’s edge when I looked down and saw what had curled up under my boat now just three feet (or less) from my face. The thing did not move at all during my startled reaction, my minute or two of regrouping, and the first couple minutes of taking pictures (I had my camera in my boat). It flinched just enough to poke its head out of the grass after I tapped it with a stick in hopes of getting it to stretch out. I was not brave enough to interact with it any further. Perhaps after taking enough pictures, one day I will overcome my snake fears. I’m not holding my breath.

DSCF2707 DSCF2686 DSCF2690 DSCF2692 DSCF2693 DSCF2700 DSCF2702 taken 6 June 2010

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